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"Guerilla Leader: T.E. Lawrence and the Arab Revolt" By James J. Schneider

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Best unintentionally funny line in the book: "After which he traded in the Ford for a used camel..."

Considering the turmoil we have seen in our lifetimes, it's somewhat astounding to consider that about 90 years ago nearly the entire Arab culture of the Middle East was almost unified under the guidance of a single man. A gangly Brit at that.

That man was T.E. Lawrence,...


Artist in Residence: Hiram Toraason

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Hiram Toraason keeps his 'endangered species' art going strong in Peoria

Hiram Toraason knew he was a pretty good artist in high school. As a student at St. Bede's in Peru, he was exposed to a variety of artistic media and learned he could do quite a bit.

"But I also knew I wasn't going to go to school for art. That wasn't something we did in my family. So I went to Southern...


'Angels in America: Perestroika' opens Friday at Corn Stock

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Not all theaters quickly follow a production of "Angels in America: The Millennium Approaches" with its sequel.

Corn Stock Theatre's Winter Playhouse is not like most other theaters and so it seemed natural to produce "Angels in America: Perestroika" only months after the first one, said Dani Keil, who said it has been a pleasure to be able to direct both parts.

"I am really excited artistically that Corn Stock followed up right...


Smooth Landing

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Gene Olson shows 'You can come home again'

When he left Augustana College in 1983 armed with a degree in political science and a minor in Spanish he really didn't want a career in politics or Spanish. But he didn't know what he was going to do, either.

It wasn't long, though, before the Peoria native found himself on a career path pursuing his greatest love, aviation. And...


'Annie' set to open at Peoria Players

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To say Mary Ellen Ulrich loves the musical "Annie" would be quite the understatement. It is why, after all, she is directing it for the fourth time in the last decade or so.

"I loved the comic strip 'Little Orphan Annie' as a little girl and the musical is so lively, so fun. It has a great story line and it ends on a happy note. What more can you ask of a musical," Ulrich said, who said she also has performed in "Annie" three different...


'Joseph' opens for 21st year on Friday

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Like the Santa Clause and Festival of Lights parades, or the Journal Star Christmas Sing and Yule Like Peoria, there is an annual production in East Peoria that has become a holiday staple.joseph

"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" will open Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Eastlight Theatre in East Peoria, the 21st consecutive year...


Quick Lit Bits: 'The Greater Journey'

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Quick Lit Bits are short book summaries followed by quick reviews from Kevin. The first is a recent history book published by legendary historian David McCullough called The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris.


'Plaza Suite' opens Friday at Corn Stock

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When Howard Gorman first suggested that Corn Stock Theatre produce "Plaza Suite" at its Winter Playhouse, he wanted to direct the entire show himself.

He had directed it once before, in Morton, and wanted the chance to try it in the unique, in-the-round Costa Theatre of the Winter Playhouse. 


Artist in Residence: Ken Clubb

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Put a pencil or brush in Ken Clubb's hand and magic happens.

It is art in its purest form.

"I'm not one of those people who lives or dies by his career. I have too many other important things in my life for that to be the case. But I will say, there is nothing else I want to do or can ever imagine myself doing," said Clubb.

"In that regard, I have been lucky in...